
How To Add Rss Feed To Itunes

An RSS feed is an essential piece of engineering that powers every podcast. Without it, the medium wouldn't exist.

A podcast RSS feed contains information about your evidence and its episodes. Information technology then passes that information to podcast directories, similar Apple Podcasts or Spotify, each time a new episode is published. The updated RSS feed allows your listeners to melody into each new episode as information technology premieres and access all back itemize content.

A podcast's RSS feed link is created in 2 ways, either past a podcast host provider or through creating the code on your own. Since every podcast needs an RSS feed, information technology's important to empathize the basics of how information technology works and how to create one for your evidence.

Done-for-Yous RSS Feed Setup

Castos' Express Launch Service combines washed-for-y'all RSS feed setup with a 1:1, real-time coaching session. For just $199, you go expert guidance from a veteran podcaster while we have over the time-consuming work of getting your evidence published on the major listening platforms.

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RSS, Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, is function of a grouping of web feed formats. Websites and podcast listening platforms utilize RSS feeds to distribute frequently updated information. The RSS feeds for podcasts eliminates the demand for users to manually upload updated content across each platform. Instead, podcast directories consistently monitor RSS feeds and display the new information equally it'southward added to the feed.

A RSS feed for podcasts is different than 1 used by a website. To function correctly, a podcast RSS feed needs boosted information similar a championship, description, artwork, category, language, and explicit rating. Whereas an RSS feed associated with a blog, for example, wouldn't require these fields.

Apple Podcasts and their RSS feed requirements accept become the standard for podcasting. Almost all podcast hosting providers create RSS feeds that are compatible with their platform. Historically, Apple's podcast listening apps, iTunes and then Apple Podcasts, accept been the virtually popular method for people to tune in.

For fifty-fifty more detailed information, visit the Castos Creator Knowledge Hub to larn how to fix your RSS Feed upwardly.

How an RSS feed works is usually the concept that's nearly difficult to grasp for new podcasters. Many think they'll record their first episode so simply upload information technology directly to Apple Podcasts and that's that. Only the bodily process of featuring episodes beyond podcast directories follows a different set of steps. This where the RSS feed comes in for your show.

Most podcasters use a podcast hosting provider to create their RSS feed. These are the basic steps to how the feed works using this method:

  1. After recording and editing an episode, you lot need to upload and store the mp3 file to a podcast hosting provider. The service acts every bit a warehouse, belongings all of your audio files and podcast information in one secure space.
  2. In order to access what'due south inside this warehouse, the podcast host generates an RSS feed link.This link then becomes the middleman between you and your audience, establishing the pathway for your episodes to go out the warehouse and be featured on podcast directories.
  3. To create that pathway, you lot submit the RSS feed link to each directory when yous ready an account for your podcast.
  4. When someone plays your episode within Spotify, the RSS feed asks your podcast host provider for the correct audio file and seamlessly delivers the content dorsum to Spotify then your listeners.
  5. Every bit yous continue to upload new episodes to your podcast host provider, the RSS feed automatically gives the data to each directory then your audience can admission the latest content.

A great perk of RSS feeds is the connectedness to each podcast directory merely needs to be fix up once. Once the podcast hosting provider and directory are linked, a podcast's listing volition update automatically.

Yes, admittedly, 100%. An RSS feed is the just fashion an audience can admission a podcast's content. Without an RSS feed, your podcast will not appear on your website or any podcasting directories, making it incommunicable for people to listen to it.

Every podcast needs an RSS feed, there aren't any exceptions.

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At that place are two chief options to create your ain podcast RSS feed: do-it-yourself or with a podcast hosting provider.

Since the bulk of podcasters aren't coders, many choose a podcast hosting provider to create their RSS feed.

Castos generates RSS feeds that are compliant with every podcast directory like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. When you sign up for a 14-day free trial, creating your podcast's RSS feed is the foundation of getting started with Castos.

Beneath detect a video tutorial on how to create an RSS feed with Castos. We cover two different methods depending on if you utilise our WordPress plugin, Seriously Simple Podcasting or not.

If you aren't using Seriously Simple Podcasting to manage your podcast through WordPress, follow these timestamps to get started:

  • 0:00-four:25: Create a Castos account, upload an episode file, and fill in its respective details.
  • four:25-six:35: Add together your podcast's details including a description, cover fine art image, and category selection.
  • 6:35-10:22: Gear up up and customize your podcast's public webpage or add your custom domain.
  • 10:22 – 12:15: Notice your podcast's RSS feed link and submit it to each podcast directory.

For those using Seriously Simple Podcasting, skip ahead in the video to 13:20 to ready your RSS feed through WordPress.

  • 13:xx-xv:36: Create a Castos business relationship, install the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin, and link your WordPress site.
  • 15:36-19:20-: Within WordPress, upload an episode file and make full in its corresponding details.
  • xix:20-23:xiii: Inside WordPress, customize your WordPress post blazon (if yous'd similar) and the embedded media histrion.
  • 23:13 – 29:xv: Within WordPress, add your podcast'southward details including a description, embrace art image, and category selection.
  • 29:15-thirty:00: Notice your podcast'due south RSS feed link and submit it to each podcast directory.

Stride 1: Upload a new episode and complete the required fields

When yous sign up for a Castos business relationship, you'll exist prompted to upload an audio file. When you lot're set up to publish a new episode, you lot start with uploading the file and completing the episode'south identifying details.

Nosotros'll ask you lot for an episode's specific information each time you create a new one.

Each time you upload a new episode, you'll consummate this aforementioned form within your Castos dashboard.

Step 2: Fill in your podcast's information

Next, head back to the 'Podcast Settings' area. In that location you'll be prompted to add your podcast's information similar the title, description, comprehend art, and a few more important fields.

Consummate each part to define the channel information we described higher up.

castos podcast feed details
Complete each field to finalize the channel data for your podcast.

Step 3: Link your RSS feed to each podcast directory

Each podcast directory has its ain syncing instructions but in general, you'll need to create an business relationship with their platform then submit your RSS feed. Inside your Castos dashboard, your RSS feed is plant in the Distribution tab.

One time you lot save the podcast's channel information and upload an episode, your RSS feed link will appear in the 'Distribution' tab.

As you work through the steps above, here's how to complete each required field to gear up upward your podcast'south RSS feed.

Every RSS feed has two primary components: the channel information and episode information. Each piece provides facts well-nigh your evidence at a loftier-level and and then per episode to each podcast directory.

Channel data to create a podcast RSS feed

The channel information describes your podcast equally a whole. Yous'll fill in this information with whichever podcast hosting provider you decide will host your audio files.

You'll have to include things like your prove'south proper name, subtitle, and description. Then upload your cover art which is thumbnail image listeners see across the directories.

Your cover art image requires very specific specifications. It must be between 1400×1400 to 3000x3000px and in a square ratio. Next, add your podcast's bones information like copyright disclaimers, the language, and include an explicit rating if needed.

For podcast directories to better understand what your testify is near, you'll too include category tags and show type. It's beneficial to go along SEO in listen when thinking nigh which tags to utilise and then listeners can find your prove easily when searching podcast directories.

Episode information to create a podcast RSS feed

Afterwards providing details virtually your podcast as a whole, it'southward time to recollect about the information associated with each episode.

For Apple Podcasts, there are a handful of episode-specific fields that volition be filled in each time you lot upload a new episode to your podcast hosting provider.  These are:

  • Episode title
  • Publish engagement
  • Clarification
  • Summary
  • Media file enclosure
  • Duration
  • File size
  • Explicit rating
  • Series number
    Episode number
    Featured image (if applicable)

Much of this information is what your audience will meet beyond each listening platform when they land on your show's listing.

An Example Of A Podcast RSS Feed

Below is what Apple Podcasts calls a "well-formed RSS feed example".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="ii.0" xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:content="">
<title>Hiking Treks</title> <link></link>
<copyright>© 2019 John Appleseed</copyright>
<itunes:writer>The Sunset Explorers</itunes:author>
<clarification> Love to get outdoors and discover nature'due south treasures? Hiking Treks is the show for y'all. We review hikes and excursions, review outdoor gear and interview a diversity of naturalists and adventurers. Look for new episodes each calendar week.
<itunes:owner> <itunes:name>Sunset Explorers</itunes:name>
<itunes:email>[email protected]</itunes:email>
<itunes:category text="Sports">
<itunes:category text="Wilderness"/> </itunes:category>
<itunes:championship>Hiking Treks Trailer</itunes:title>
<![CDATA[The Sunset Explorers share tips, techniques and recommendations for nifty hikes and adventures around the United States. Heed on
href="">Apple tree Podcasts</a>.]]>
<pubDate>Tue, 8 Jan 2019 01:15:00 GMT</pubDate>

Y'all'll observe tags similar <language> and <itunes:category> are items that are set at the aqueduct information level. And tags like <pubDate >and <itunes:episodeType> are prepare at the episode level.

Nosotros recommend using a gratis tool called In you lot can enter your RSS feed URL and it will run diagnostics on your feed to ensure that there aren't any bug. We suggest verifying your feed prior to submitting it to directories.

Here y'all tin run into that our example RSS feed gets the proverbial Green Light and is set to be submitted to Apple Podcasts.

Using to validate a podcast'southward RSS feed.

One very of import affair to point out is that but because your feed is valid when you submit your podcast does not mean that it volition stay this way forever.  Things like uploading an image that doesn't fit the size requirements of Apple tree Podcasts or having HTML in your iTunes description field will invalidate your feed. This means whatever new episodes you publish or changes you make to your bear witness to not be reflected in those directories.

With your valid RSS feed in hand, you are now gear up to start submitting your show to Apple Podcasts and the rest of the podcast directories.

How To Add Your Testify'due south RSS Feed To Spotify, Apple & Other Listening Apps

Sometimes Castos users ask us, "Where exercise I get my Spotify RSS feed? Where exercise I get my Apple tree RSS feed?" Actually, the listening apps all apply the same feed.

Podcast directors and listening apps use your show's RSS feed to display your content. They monitor the feed consistently, e'er looking for new information. When something new pops up on the feed, the directories and apps display that content to their listeners.

In social club to brand your evidence appear on their platforms, yous simply need to requite them your RSS feed URL. If you're working with a quality podcast host and your RSS feed is fix well, the podcast platforms should accept everything they need to brandish your show properly. This ways you don't need a Spotify RSS feed, an Apple RSS feed, a Google RSS feed, etc. Yous only give them all the same feed.

The top podcast listening platforms all take uncomplicated processes to submit your show. In most cases, they ask you to fill out a curt grade with a few basic questions virtually your evidence. You'll also have to submit your RSS link. And then while you'll have to visit each platform to submit your feed, this is a one fourth dimension task. Once a platform has your feed, information technology volition pull new content indefinitely.

For example, if y'all want to submit a Spotify RSS feed, you would visit Spotify For Podcasters, log in, and follow the prompts to submit a show. It only takes a infinitesimal. At some point, Spotify volition ask you to paste in your RSS feed. Most platforms have a similar process.

Follow these links to learn the exact submission processes of each of the major podcast plaforms. Brand sure to have your RSS feed link set.

Want to submit your podcast to as many directories and apps equally possible? Check out our full list of places to publish your evidence. Each platform is an opportunity for more fans!

A Half-dozen-Step Guide to How Podcasting Works

Are you notwithstanding scratching your head around why you can't merely upload a podcast directly to Spotify? You're not lone.

"How does podcasting piece of work?" is a question all new hosts stumble through in the beginning stages of setting up their testify. To assistance visually answer this query in half dozen steps, we designed an infographic perfect for rookie podcasters. Information technology describes how a podcast travels from being an audio file on a calculator to beingness featured across Spotify and Apple Podcasts for listeners to savor.

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How To Add Rss Feed To Itunes,


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