
Wuthering Heights Chapter 29 Summary

Detailed Summary & Assay

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Wuthering Heights


Emily Brontë

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After Edgar's funeral, Heathcliff comes to the Grange to bring Cathy back to Wuthering Heights. He says that he has punished Linton for helping Cathy escape, and that he expects Cathy to piece of work to earn her keep at Wuthering Heights.

Despite his triumph, Heathcliff seems to still want revenge.


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Cathy responds that she and Linton love each other, while Heathcliff is loveless and solitary. She adds that "however miserable yous make us, nosotros shall still have the revenge of thinking that your cruelty arises from your greater misery."

Cathy's response shows that she recognizes that Heathcliff'southward quest for revenge has corrupted him. What he always wanted was to be with Catherine, and revenge didn't get him that..


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Equally Cathy packs, Nelly asks Heathcliff to let her be the housekeeper at Wuthering Heights because she wants to stay with Cathy. Heathcliff doesn't reply, instead telling Nelly that while the sexton was earthworks Edgar's grave, Heathcliff bribed the human to dig up Catherine's grave and remove the wall of her coffin that faced away from Edgar's grave. He and so says that when he dies he'll be buried on that side of Catherine's grave, with the facing wall of his own coffin also removed. He adds that Catherine'due south ghost has haunted him for the 18 years since she died, but that he could never reach her.

And Cathy's annotate is clearly right. Heathcliff'due south love for Catherine remains the sole important thing for him. It is and so important that he is willing to disturb her grave in order to find a mode to exist shut to her, if not in life, then in death.

As they get out, Cathy asks Nelly to visit her at Wuthering Heights. But Heathcliff tells Nelly never to come to the Heights, and that if he needs her he'll come to her at the Grange.

Heathcliff is still seeking revenge, though all who have wronged him are dead.


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