
How To Add Google Drive To Favorites

When it comes to Mac users, Apple tree offers them several unique utilities. Such as iCloud storage service that allows users to store their files securely in the deject. Nevertheless, due to its limitation of simply five gigabytes of free storage, the audience rather considered looking somewhere else. Here, let us check out, how to add google drive to finder.

Instead of paying additional money for but file storage, yous tin can switch your cloud storage with Google Drive. It also offers numerous handy tools forth with free of cost storage for nearly all types of files bachelor.

Equally Google is the primary authority for Android smartphones, Apple cannot just allow them get away with their position, that too on their ain ecosystem. It requires you to install applications on your Mac, downloaded externally from Google Mirrors to use Drive.

This guide volition walk you through the procedure of installing Google Bulldoze on your Mac device and allow it to appear equally a folder in the Finder app of your operating system. Before nosotros begin, brand certain you already take a Google Business relationship (Duh!)

How to Add Google Drive to Finder

Let usa bank check out, how to add google drive to finder.

1. Install Google'due south Backup and Sync Application on Mac

If y'all want to avail the benefits of Google Drive in your Mac, yous commencement need to download and install Google's Backup and Sync Software. Here are the necessary steps that you need to follow for downloading and installing this awarding:

  • Kickoff of all, open up a browser application on your Mac, and head over to this address –
  • When y'all admission this website, you'll see a download button highlighted with blue color under the "Personal Plan" section.
Download Google Drive on Mac
  • Click on the download push button and agree to the terms and conditions to start downloading the software on your Mac. While downloading, ensure that the extension of the file is .DMG, otherwise you won't be able to open information technology on your Mac.
setup google drive on your Mac
add google drive to mac finder sidebar
  • Open the downloaded file in the DMG installer and and so yous'll see the "Backup and Sync from Google" icon. You demand to drag this icon into the applications binder located right next to it. After doing this, you lot merely need to wait for a while until the application is installed successfully on your Mac.
How to Add Google Drive to the Finder
add google drive to finder
  • Once it is installed, y'all can either open it directly from the launchpad or by manually searching for information technology on the spotlight search feature of your Mac.
  • Alternatively, you can likewise access the search function using CMD + Spacebar or click on the search icon located at the tiptop correct corner

Based on the version of Mac you're using; you may receive a warning when yous try to launch the application for the showtime time. To make the warning disappear from your desktop, you just need to click on the open button located at the bottom left side of the popup.

Read: How to get unlimited Google Drive storage

two. Configure the Application

For the application to piece of work as intended, it requires admission permissions for your files that'll allow it to support the contents of your Desktop binder.

In example you lot don't want this to happen, just click on the "Don't Allow" selection and silently hide in your cupboard. Here's the post-installation process:

  • One by i, the backup and sync application from Google will ask you to grant permissions for backing up various folders available on your Mac. Click on the ok button to authorize the specified folder to be accessed by the application
  • The application may also ask for permission to backup your photos. It will automatically scan your system for pictures and brand a backup for them in your Google Bulldoze account

If y'all manage to give the appropriate permissions to the application, it will launch successfully with a user-friendly and like shooting fish in a barrel-to-use interface. Now you need to make some tweaks in the application to be able to add information technology in finder.

Read: How To Create A Google Drive Business relationship For A Group

3. Configure Your Google Account on the Application

After y'all've successfully launched the Backup and Sync application on your Mac, you lot need to click on the "Become Started" push on the main interface.

Now, you'll be redirected to an authorization interface in which you lot demand to enter your credentials. For instance, your phone number and password.

  • In one case yous accept successfully logged in with your Google account in the application, you need to select the desired folders that you want to backup and synchronize with Google Drive.
How to Add Google Drive to the Finder
Add together Google Drive to the Finder
  • If you're doing this for the first time, a dialog box will announced with some information related to this feature. All you demand to exercise is click on the "Got It" push. Now, select all the folders that you want to back-ups such as Documents and Photo Library.
Google Drive Download
How to add google drive to finder
  • Later selecting the required folders, you'll also need to choose the desired quality of your videos and photos. There are three options to choose from – high quality, low quality, and original quality, each with its own compression rules.
Google Drive Backup and Sync
add google drive to finder in mac

When you're done managing the fill-in settings, you lot just need to click on the Side by side button. Followed by the start button that will allow you lot to backup your Mac contents on your Google Drive account. Now let's know how to access your files through Bulldoze on Mac.

Read: Advantages and disadvantages of Google Drive

4. Accessing Google Drive on Mac'south Finder

Once you've successfully configured the fill-in and sync application, you'll notice a configuration tool attainable through the menu bar of your Mac.

This volition also give y'all insights related to any current syncing files in your account. Hither'south how to access it through Finder:

Accessing Google Drive on Mac's Finder
Accessing Google Drive on Mac's Finder
  • A dedicated folder for Drive will be available in Finder like whatever other storage volume available in your system. Information technology can be institute under the favorite section on the left-hand menu. And can exist launched past searching for information technology in the spotlight also
  • With this folder, you can edit, delete, and add files as per your preferences

And that's it! You've successfully installed Google Drive in your Mac and added it to the Finder for easier access.

You lot may like the following Google drive articles:

  • How to Upload Large Files to Google Drive
  • How To Password Protect Google Drive Binder
  • How to transfer ownership of Google Drive Files
  • How to Upload iMovie to Google Drive
  • Google Drive vs Dropbox – A Head To Head Comparison
  • Mistake Creating Re-create Google Drive – How To Fix
  • How to Free Up Google Drive Infinite
  • Google Bulldoze Download without Zipping Files
  • How to add Google Bulldoze to File Explorer

Concluding Verdict

Throughout the setup process, the options that you cull for the synchronization will now exist automatically added to your Google Drive Storage. Whether you've manually added them within the binder or non. We checked hither, how to add google bulldoze to finder, add google drive to finder in mac and add google drive to mac finder sidebar.

How To Add Google Drive To Favorites,


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